Public Trust Scholarships 2024

Submissions closed at 5:00PM 13 December 2024 (NZDT).

Public Trust Scholarships 2024

IMPORTANT: Please read information below to assist you in completing your application online.

Public Trust is calling for applications for the following Scholarships, all of which have different purposes and criteria.

 Please read below for the relevant Scholarship you are applying for.

  • The Louisa Roper Scholarships
  • The Rolfes' Scholarships

Important information relating to all of the above Scholarships

Application Requirements

  • The application form must be completed and submitted via Public Trust online Granting platform.
  • A copy of your birth certificate, passport or citizenship certificate are to be provided.
  • Full course details including annual cost are to be provided.
  • The application is to be supported by at least one reference.
  • Past academic records and/or other achievements are to be provided where possible.
  • Applications must be supported by an essay (maximum 250 words) for the purpose of outlining the reasons for the course of study, career aspirations that associate with the chosen study.  
  • Scholarships awarded are conditional on the applicant being enrolled in a course of study as outlined in their application.
  • Scholarships awarded will be paid on receipt of the applicant’s confirmation of enrolment.

Important Dates

  • Applications are open from 7am on the 1st of November 2024 to 5pm on the 16th of December 2024.
  • Applicants will be advised of the outcome by the 16th of February 2025.

Late applications will not be accepted.

Any questions should be directed to Public Trust


All applications are considered by the Committees and applicants will be advised of the outcome by the 16th of February 2025. The decision of the Committees is final, and no further discussion will be entertained.

The Louisa Roper Scholarships

The purpose of the Trust is to provide scholarships in perpetuity to assist students to further their tertiary education in the arts - primarily modern languages other than English. 

Who is eligible:  The Louisa Roper Scholarships are open to undergraduate students from Avonside Girls High School - Christchurch, Papanui High School - Christchurch and Ashburton College – Ashburton in the Arts, Majoring in modern languages other than English.

How much funding is available: The Louisa Roper Scholarship will be awarded at up to $3,000 per grant for the first year, up to $6,000 for the 2nd year and up to $8,000 for the 3rd year.

Applications will be considered by The Louisa Roper Scholarship Committee.

What criteria must I meet to apply?

  • The Applicant must have attended Avonside Girls High School, Papanui High School or Ashburton High School during any part of their final year of secondary education.
  • Applicants must be intending to study at any University in New Zealand in the arts majoring in modern languages other than English.
  • The course of study must be delivered by recognised Tertiary Institution and must be at least 1 year in duration.

What are the Scholarship Terms and Conditions?

  • In most instances, payment will be made direct to the education provider on confirmation of enrolment.  If you require part of the payment to allow you to purchase books, accommodation, stationary or travel that associate with the study, this will need to be broken down and clearly shown in your application.
  • The value of the Scholarship may differ from year to year and may also differ between applicants.
  • Public Trust may at their discretion, vary or terminate any scholarship awarded.
  • The applicant is required to advise Public Trust should there be a change to the studies relating to which any scholarship has been awarded.
  • The Scholarship may be awarded for a term of one to three years. Continuation of the scholarship if awarded for more than one year is subject annually to Trustee approval.   The Trustee reserves the right to change the value of the award and continuation of the award.
  • If a scholarship is awarded for more than 1 year, applicants will be required re-apply annually for continuation of the scholarship. This will be outlined to the applicant when the Scholarship is awarded.
  • The Trustee reserves the right to withhold the payment of any amounts due under the Scholarship in the event of the misconduct of any person holding the Scholarship.

The PA Rolfes' Scholarships

The purpose of the Trust is to provide scholarships in perpetuity to assist overseas travel to advance the standards of scientific knowledge in New Zealand.

Who is eligible: The PA Rolfes’ Scholarships are open to ‘young’ New Zealand Citizens wishing to complete study overseas to obtain scientific knowledge for the purpose of advancing the standards of scientific knowledge in New Zealand.

How much funding is available: The Rolfes’ Trust Fund will offer one Scholarship at the value of $30,000 in the 2024 grant round.

Applications will be considered by The PA Rolfes’ Scholarships Committee.

What criteria must I meet to apply?

  • The applicant must be a New Zealand citizen and be between the age of 18 to 30 at the time the scholarship is awarded.
  • Applicants must have attended a school and or schools in Kaikoura for at least 5 years.

Applicants must provide copies of their academic records as follows:

  • One reference to be in relation to study capabilities. Particularly with regard to research potential. 
  • One character reference may be included with this application.
  • The applicant must provide details of the overseas study programme including the name and address of the institution, evidence of contact with the institution and any other relevant information.

What are the Scholarship Terms and Conditions?

  • In most instances, payment will be made direct to the education provider on confirmation of enrolment. If you require part of the payment to allow you to purchase books, accommodation, stationary or travel that associate with the study, this will need to be broken down and clearly shown in your application.
  • Public Trust may at their discretion, vary or terminate any scholarship awarded.
  • The applicant is required to advise Public Trust should there be a change to the studies relating to which any scholarship has been awarded.
  • The Scholarship may be awarded for a term of one to three years. Continuation of the scholarship if awarded for more than one year is subject annually to Trustee approval. The Trustee reserves the right to change the value of the award and continuation of the award.
  • If a scholarship is awarded for more than 1 year, applicants will be required re-apply annually for continuation of the scholarship. This will be outlined to the applicant when the Scholarship is awarded.
  • The Trustee reserves the right to withhold the payment of any amounts due under the Scholarship in the event of the misconduct of any person holding the Scholarship.

IMPORTANT: Please read information below to assist you in completing your application online.

Step 1: Determine eligibility

  • Please ensure you have read the Trust’s criteria
  • If you are unsure whether you are eligible to apply please contact us by email:

Step 2: Register or login to apply online

  • First time users will need to register.

Note: Please store your login details in a safe place for future reference.

  • Once registered, you can login to the system and start your application.

Step 3: Complete your application

  • The application is best viewed/completed on a non-mobile device.
  • Complete all of the required questions – mandatory questions are marked with an *
  • Attach all required supporting documents.

Note: Our preferred format for attachments is PDF, Excel, Word or JPG.  Supporting materials cannot exceed 25MB in size, as files exceeding this will not upload.

Hint: Save your work regularly so it is not lost if you time out or lose your connection.

You can save your application at any stage and return to it later. Make sure the spell checker is switched on in your browser to prevent spelling errors.

Step 4: Review and submit your application

  • When you are satisfied with your application press the review button to ensure that all required sections of the application have been completed (you must do this before the submit button is enabled).
  • Submit your application.

  Note: Once you have submitted your application no further editing or uploading of supporting documents is possible.

Step 5: What happens next?

  • You will receive an automated email confirming your submission with a copy of your application attached and information about how/when your application will be assessed.  This will be sent to the email you used to register. 

If you do not receive a confirmation email then your application has not been successfully submitted (don’t forget to check your spam email folder when looking for the email).

  • We will contact you if we require any further information to consider your application.

If you need more help using this form, download the Help Guide for Applicants or check out Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

If you have any technical difficulties using the online SmartyGrants portal email